2014 main Yoshida trail opening on track?
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2014 main Yoshida trail opening on track?

Hi Gary,

Do you think the 2014 trail opening is still on track for July 1st 2014 for the main Yoshida trail? I know that earlier in the year there were some record snowfalls across the region, so I wasn't sure if there is more snow on Fuji than usual for this time of year. I also notice that http://www.mountain-forecast.com/peaks/Fuji-san/forecasts/3776 is showing further heavy and moderate snow falls over the next week (first week of June 2014) on the summit.

I'm planning on climbing in early July so I'm keeping a close eye on everything. I'm aware the other trails aren't scheduled to be opened until mid-July, but has the main Yoshida trail ever been delayed opening on July 1st?

So close now, getting exciting. Only three and a half weeks until July 1st!

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Jun 06, 2014
Yes, I'm willing to bet on it... :-)
by: Gary Wolff

Yes, I'm guessing there's at least a 90% chance it'll open on July 1st.

Last year it was confirmed with no uncertainty that the main Yoshida route would open as planned on July 1st. And they even promised to make it happen even if they had to go clear snow with heavy equipment.

Of course, Mother Nature has veto power and always has the final say. :-) If there's a big snowfall around that time, then all that could change.

Two years ago Typhoon #4 blasted thru central Japan in mid-June and dumped a bunch of snow on Fuji-san, damaging the Yoshida downhill trail. Because of the risk of falling rocks & avalanches due to the remaining 3-meter snow depth around the 8th Station, the downhill trail remained closed for most of July, as I recall.

This meant that climbers descending from Mt. Fuji's peak had to share the uphill trail section with those going up, making for some pretty massive traffic jams on Mt. Fuji's main climbing route, especially during the weekends.

But hopefully you'll have smooth sailing this year. :-) Best wishes!

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