Home: Catchy
Traffic Safety Slogans
Catchy Traffic Safety Slogans
Early in my professional career, I was a registered professional
traffic engineer in the states of Texas and Arizona. And part of my
duties, while working for state and city transportation agencies as
well as in the private sector for traffic engineering consulting firms,
was to design traffic signals, traffic signs, and pavement markings to
ensure the safety of our streets and highways.
Also, for a few years I was even licensed through the National Safety
Council as a Defensive Driving Course instructor. Needless to say,
developing a strong traffic safety consciousness was part of that work,
and which I have carried with me to this day, even though I haven’t
worked as a traffic safety engineer in over 3 decades now.
One of the fun things about working in the traffic safety field was
learning and sharing interesting, catchy traffic safety slogans that I
became aware of through the years. While reminiscing about some of
those catchy traffic safety slogans that seem to be etched into my
tiny, aging brain perhaps for eternity, a few years ago I thought it might be cool
to build a webpage about them someday.
So I started making a list of my favorites, and what you see on this
page is just the start of my own personal compilation of catchy traffic
safety slogans that I learned on the job, ones I've actually seen on
the highways, and others I've heard on the radio or come across on the
For the ones that I actually saw with my own eyes on a traffic sign, I
have indicated the state where I saw them and in cases where I can
still remember when, also the year.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I’m now having to add them to this
page. Please check back again
in the future for new ones that I will place at the very top of the
list. Enjoy!
- Look twice. Save a motorcyclist. (Colorado, 2023)

- Phone down, slow down, buckle up. (Colorado, 2023)

- Look twice for motorcycles… There’s a life riding on it.
(Texas Dept. of Transportation (TxDOT), 2023) 
- Don't wreck your life. (TxDOT)
- The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with
a cop in it.
- Driving like there’s no tomorrow is likely to produce
that result.
- Donate your blood at blood banks, not on the roads.
- Drive carefully! 90% of all people are caused by

(Image credit: safetyrisk.net)
- Drive 55 and arrive alive. (Texas, 1978)
- Safe driving is no accident. (Texas, 1975)
- One 6-pack, don’t drive back (Texas, 1973).
- Don’t drive intoxicated. Don’t drive intexticated.
- Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car.
- Reckless driving just may be your ticket to some
place out of this world!
- Drive high, get a DUI. (Alaska, 2017)
- Drive Hammered, Get Nailed. (Arizona, 2016)
- Drink. Drive. Go to Jail. (Texas)
- Park your phone while your car is in drive.
- Click it! (your seat belt) Don't risk it! (Idaho, 2016)
- Dumb drivers and smart phones don't mix. (Arizona, 2016)
- Stay alive. Don’t text and drive!
- Turn around. Don’t drown.
- Buzzed driving is drunk driving.
- Stop the texts. Stop the wrecks.
- Buckle up for safety, buckle up! (Texas, 1988)
- Make Texas the safest state in ‘78.
- If you drink, don’t drive. If you drive, don’t drink.
(Texas, 1976)
- Drive sober, or get pulled over.
- Click it, (your seat belt) or ticket. (Oregon, 2011)
- Drive like hell and you will get there.
- Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.
- Stay alert. Talk or text later.
- Friends don't let friends drive drunk. (Texas, 1973)
- Chance takers are accident makers.
- Stop speeding, before it stops you.
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