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Home: In Loving Memory of Thomas Arthur Todd

In Loving Memory of Thomas Arthur Todd
July 24, 1953 - Feb. 17, 2022
"Always remembered, never forgotten"

​​I met Tom when we were both living in Jester Center, the largest university-owned dormitory at the University of Texas at Austin. I was a junior, serving as an RA (resident assistant), and Tom was a sophomore and one of the residents on my floor.

This remarkable man, who thru the years I liked to affectionately call T-squared (T(om) x T(odd) = T2), smiley and I shared many common interests, so we hit it off immediately and became instant friends. We also had the same hometown, having both been raised in Houston, Texas' largest city.

The way I always knew it was a true friendship is that we could go 5 years, 10 years, or even much longer with no contact, but whenever we reconnected, it was almost like we never skipped a beat.

I always loved it when he just popped into my life unexpectedly and shared an interesting story about something related to the University of Texas Longhorns, Houston Astros, astronomy, cycling, mountain climbing, bodybuilding, or any of the many other interests we shared.

On the occasion of this 1-year anniversary of his passing in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, I’d like to dedicate this tribute page to memorialize my dear buddy. T-squared, you will always be remembered, never forgotten, and I will always hold you dear to my heart.


Tom Todd
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Aug. 20, 2016

Cycling to Sleeping Giant (Elk Mtn.) in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Aug. 22, 2016

Meadow Creek Trail to Lily Pad Pond, Frisco, Colorado, Sept. 6, 2014

Gannett Peak, Wyoming
Tom (left) & I scaled Gannett Peak, elev. 4,210 m (13,810 ft),
the tallest peak in Wyoming, back in Sept. 1979

Thomas Arthur Todd, July 24, 1953 - Feb. 17, 2022
More pics of Tom are here.)

Celebration Posters

The following photo collage posters are just a sample handful of the several prepared by Tom's amazing wife Amy for his Celebration of Life on July 24, 2022.


Clicking the thumbnails above will open a larger image in a new window. Clicking again on THAT image will enlargen it to the much larger, original size photo.


In Loving Memory of Thomas Arthur Todd
(short video clips of Tom speaking in years past)
(If player above is not visible, you can view video at YouTube here.)

0:00 Reconnecting with Tom for 1st time in 29 yrs. at Denver, Colorado airport
0:24 Dillon Dam Brewery, Dillon, Colorado
0:43 Tom & Amy chatting on highway to Steamboat Springs, Colorado
1:07 Mountain stream on Meadow Creek Trail, White River Natl. Forest
1:43 Sunrise over Lake Dillon, Colorado
2:14 Sammy the golden retriever gets belly rub from Tom
2:59 Detailed "how to" explanation of Tom's $5500 Santa Cruz Tallboy mountain bike
5:15 3 Magical Days in Colorado, Aug. 20-22, 2016
5:42 Tom preparing BBQ Mexican tacos

Thomas Arthur Todd’s Highlights Slideshow
(to the hit tune "La Grange" by ZZ Top, one of Tom's favorite bands)
(If player above is not visible, you can view video at YouTube here.)

Online Celebrity

"50 years all but vanish as gifted former Parker students reunite", Tom's 50-year Parker Elementary reunion which he helped organize, by Amber Hewitt, Houston Chronicle, November 20, 2014

"Nautilus Machines and the Growth of the Gym Industry: An Interview with Thomas Todd", by Conor Heffernan, Physical Culture Study, January 16, 2020

Tom Todd's LinkedIn profile

"He is Gone" poem

You can shed tears that he is gone
Or you can smile because he lived

You can close your eyes and pray that he will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that he has left

Your heart can be empty because you can't see him
Or you can be full of the love that you shared

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday

You can remember him and only that he is gone
Or you can cherish his memory and let it live on

You can cry and close your mind, be empty, and turn your back
Or you can do what he would want: smile, open your eyes, love, and go on.

—adapted from the original "She is Gone" poem written in 1982 by English painter and poet David Harkins and chosen by Queen Elizabeth II as part of the funeral ceremony for her mother, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, in April 2002—

Mr. T-squared... love you, miss you, and rest in eternal peace, my dear friend. C U again someday!

1) To any of Tom's family, friends, former coworkers, neighbors, etc., by all means feel free to offer your comments or tributes in the commenting section below! And please contact me if you have any pics or other remembrances to add to this page! Thank you...

2) Tom's Celebration of Life was held Sun. July 24, 2022 on the occasion of what would've been his 69th birthday in the Yampa River Botanic Park in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. His ashes were spread in a number of spots dear to Tom's heart, including in Summit County & along the Stairway to Heaven hiking trail in Steamboat.

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