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Gary J. Wolff (in Tokyo, Japan)
Longtime Tokyo resident Gary J. Wolff shares his uniquely American perspective of Japan's fascinating culture, including regular photographic & video updates.

Gary J. Wolff's Blog
Gary J. Wolff's blog keeps you up-to-date with my everyday life in Japan, as well as recent additions/changes to the website.

The Highest Mountains in Japan
Listing of the highest mountains in Japan, complete with pics, videos, and descriptions, based on the 2-decade climbing experience of Gary J. Wolff.

The View from the Top of Japan book

Climbing Mt. Fuji (富士山) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Climbing Mt. Fuji (富士山) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Page 2
Mt. Fuji Mountain Huts (富士山の山小屋)

Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail (富士宮登山道)

Climbing Mt. Fuji book

Mt. Kita-dake (北岳), elev. 3193m, Japan's 2nd Highest Mountain

Mt. Oku-hotaka-dake (奥穂高岳) & Mt. Yari-ga-take (槍ヶ岳), Japan's 3rd & 5th Highest Mountains

Mt. Ai-no-dake (間ノ岳) and Mt. Shiomi-dake (塩見岳), Japan's 4th & 16th Highest Mountains
Mt. Ai-no-dake and Mt. Shiomi-dake Climbing Schedule
Mt. Warusawa-dake (悪沢岳) and Mt. Akaishi-dake (赤石岳), Japan's 6th & 7th Highest Mountains

Mt. Ontake-san (御嶽山), Japan's 14th Highest Mountain
Mt. Ontake-san (御嶽山) Schedule & Expenses
Mt. Notori-dake (農鳥岳) and the Shiranesanzan (白根三山)

Mt. Senjo-ga-take (仙丈ヶ岳) and Mt. Kai-koma-ga-dake (甲斐駒ヶ岳), Japan's 18th & 24th highest peaks

Mt. Norikura-dake (乗鞍岳), elev. 3026m, Japan's 19th highest mountain

Mt. Tateyama (立山) & Mt. Tsurugi-dake (剱岳), Japan's 20th & 22nd Highest Mountains
Mt. Tateyama (立山) & Mt. Tsurugi-dake (剣岳) Schedule & Expenses
Mt. Hijiri-dake (聖岳), elev. 3013m, Japan's 21st Highest Mountain

Mt. Suisho-dake (水晶岳) & Mt. Washiba-dake (鷲羽岳), Japan's 23rd & 29th Highest Mountains
Mt. Suisho-dake (水晶岳) & Mt. Washiba-dake (鷲羽岳) Schedule & Expenses
Mt. Kiso-koma-ga-take (木曽駒ヶ岳) and Mt. Utsugi-dake (空木岳), Japan's 25th & 42nd highest peaks

Mt. Shirouma-dake (白馬岳), elev. 2932m, Japan's 26th Highest Mountain

Mt. Shirouma-dake (白馬岳) Mountain Climbing Accidents

Mt. Shirouma-dake (白馬岳) Schedule & Expenses

Mt. Yakushi-dake (薬師岳), elev. 2926 m, Japan's 27th Highest Mountain

Mt. Yatsu-ga-take (八ヶ岳), Japan's 33rd highest peak

Mt. Kasagatake (笠ヶ岳), elev. 2898m, Japan's 34th Highest Mountain

Mt. Kasagatake (笠ヶ岳) Hiking Schedule, Elevation Profile, & Expenses

Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳), elev. 2889m, Japan's 36th Highest Mountain

Mt. Jonen-dake (常念岳), elev. 2857m, Japan's 45th Highest Mountain
Mt. Jonen-dake (常念岳) Hiking Schedule & Elevation Profile

Winter Hiking Tips

Diamond Fuji Viewing Spots, Dates, and Times in Tokyo

360-degree Panorama from the Summit of Mt. Whitney

Pacific Islands Travel, including Cebu, Koh Samui, Palau, Guam, Saipan, Langkawi, Phuket, Fiji, & the Cook Islands
Stories, pics, and videos of Gary J. Wolff's travel to exotic Pacific islands from 2007 thru 2016.

Cebu, Philippines Travel

Koh Samui, Thailand Travel

Palau Travel

Guam Travel
Saipan Travel
Langkawi, Malaysia Travel

Phuket, Thailand Travel

Fiji Travel

Cook Islands Travel

My Boracay, Philippines Travel Adventure

Ao Nang, Thailand

Strongest Ever Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
The latest news updates about the strongest ever Japan earthquake and tsunami on Mar. 11, 2011, including maps, photos, and videos (last updated, most current page).
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami news updates for...
May 28-June 3, 2011  (12th week)
May 21-27, 2011  (11th week)
May 14-20, 2011  (10th week)
May 7-13, 2011  (9th week)
April 30-May 6, 2011  (8th week)
April 23-29, 2011  (7th week)
April 16-22, 2011  (6th week)
April 9-15, 2011  (5th week)
April 2-8, 2011  (4th week)
March 26-April 1, 2011  (3rd week)
March 19-25, 2011  (2nd week)
March 12-18, 2011  (Original page - 1st week after Mar. 11, 2011 quake)

What Japanese University Students Think About...?
Japanese university students share their comments & viewpoints on 16 various countries around the world.

What University Students in Japan Think About...?
University students in Japan (mostly foreign exchange students) share their comments & viewpoints on 16 various countries around the world.

Quizlet Live: The Classroom Game Now Taking the World by Storm
Quizlet Live is a new in-class, team-based learning game which allows students to use their mobile devices with any of the millions of Quizlet vocabulary study sets.

The What's New? Line Game
The What's New? Line Game is a 5-10 minute warm-up exercise conducted at the beginning of class where students line up in 2 lines at the front of the classroom, giving them a chance to discuss with up to half of their classmates anything of interest in their lives since the last class.

English Pronunciation Mini-Course for Japanese Learners
A quick 4-lesson English pronunciation mini-course focusing on the main problems that Japanese learners have with the TH/S, R/L, B/V, & F/H sounds.
Book Review of CNN Student News, Vol. 2
Professor Gary J. Wolff reviews CNN Student News, Vol. 2, an EFL textbook for young adult Japanese learners of English, published by Asahi Press in 2014.

The Motivating Magic of Songs in the EFL Classroom
Professor Gary J. Wolff shares tips on how singing English songs helps motivate his Japanese university students in EFL classrooms in Japan.

Useful iPad Tools for the EFL Teacher
This article identifies a few of the most useful iPad tools for EFL teachers and describes how they are actually being used in and out of the classroom.

Acting and Modeling in Tokyo
Some samples of acting & modeling roles possible for foreigners in Tokyo, along with a short list of some of the reputable Tokyo talent agencies.

In Loving Memory of Don Davis
A memorial tribute page for Don Davis, my wonderful longtime friend in Tokyo who went to be with the Lord on July 31, 2013 at the ripe young age of only 60.

In Loving Memory of Paul R. Caillet
A memorial tribute page for Paul R. Caillet, my wonderful longtime scoutmaster of Houston Boy Scout Troop 43 who helped shape the person I am today.

Space Shuttle Discovery
Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA's oldest space shuttle, made its final touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center on Mar. 9, 2011, ending a 27-year storied career.

Gyotoku Bird Observatory (行徳野鳥観察舎)
The Gyotoku Bird Observatory is a 56-hectare natural habitat for aquatic birds in Ichikawa, Chiba, and a great place to escape Tokyo's concrete jungle.

Artwork by Yoshimizu Koike (小池 嘉瑞)
Artwork by Yoshimizu Koike, including Christmas 2010, Halloween 2010, Reading under the Moon, Celebrate Christmas 2008, and many more.

Fall Colors in Yoro Keikoku Valley (養老渓谷)
Pics, maps, & trail description of my Dec. 5, 2010 hike to view the gorgeous fall colors in the Yoro Keikaku Valley on the Boso Peninsula, Chiba.  

Ben Franklin's 13 Virtues
At age 20, Ben Franklin developed & followed a plan of 13 virtues to help himself constantly strive for moral perfection for the rest of his life.

Recommended Reading List
This recommended reading list shows books in my personal library, all of which have had a profound impact or helped shape my life through the years.

Happy Birthday to You!
Gary's special Happy Birthday page has been updated with new colorful, animated Happy Birthday cards & a cute video of singing & dancing penguins!

American Man in Tokyo Organizes Relief Effort to Japan Tsunami-hit Ishinomaki, Miyagi
American man in Tokyo reports on his relief effort to deliver donations & supplies to the Japan tsunami-hit city of Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture.

Free Enterprise "Frees" 33 Chilean Miners
The rescue of the Chilean miners is a smashing victory for free enterprise & capitalism. It's a remarkable story about all the astonishing private...

Japan Links
A short list of links to some of the more noteworthy Japanese websites I've bookmarked thru the years while residing here.

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Looking for something specific? Conduct a site search of by using the search box provided. Search results relevant to your query will open...

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The Privacy Policy for outlines the types of personal information collected when using this site, as well as some of the steps taken to safeguard that information.

About Me (How I ended up in Japan...)
How I ended up in Japan and a short discussion of my background, interests, hometown, and life in Japan. I hope you'll have time to read my story!

Contact Me Form
Feel free to use this "Contact me" form to ask any questions or provide feedback. Your comments are always welcomed.

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Japan-Texas ebook cover thumbnail
A FREE download at Smashwords

Pattaya ebook cover
Only $1.99 at Amazon
(¥214 at アマゾン日本)

Alaska ebook cover
Only $2.99 at Amazon
(¥340 at アマゾン日本)

Summer 1974 hitchhiking trip ebook cover
Only 99¢ at Amazon (¥105 at アマゾン日本)

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Gary J. Wolff
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  2. Finding the Missing Children | CHILD TRAFFICKING IN AMERICA

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