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Home: What Japanese University Students Think About...?

What Japanese University Students
Think About...?

During my longtime tenure in Japan, without question one of my most rewarding experiences has been teaching at the university level. I'm often asked by family and friends what's on the mind of my Japanese university students and how they feel about various topics.

Honestly, I don't have a very good idea about that, besides the occasional group discussion exercises and informal polls I sometimes hold on how they would vote in U.S. presidential elections (Kerry and Obama won handily in 2004 and 2008).  smiley

A couple years ago, we started using an interesting textbook in one of my mid-level English conversation classes that interviews young people from around the world. Through this online forum, my students will now have a voice to express their views and share their overseas travels with the online community.

First stop was America. Then New Zealand. And so on, all over the world.

More to follow in the weeks and months ahead, as we travel around the globe country by country, in accordance with the list below!

If you are a Japanese university student, feel free to throw in your 2 cents worth and participate in the discussion. It'd be a pleasure to hear your input.

Enjoy !!

[Note: Additional online stories written by foreign exchange university students in Japan are linked from the lower right corner of the nav bar at the bottom of this page.]

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What Japanese University Students Think About...
America  New Zealand  Brazil  Scotland  Australia
Northern Ireland  Italy  England  Wales  China
Saudi Arabia  Canada  Switzerland  Singapore  Russia  South Africa

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What Japanese University Students Think About...


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