A Tale of the Shanghai 2010 Expo!
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A Tale of the Shanghai 2010 Expo!

by Kazuya S.

The China Pavilion and the area at night

The China Pavilion and the area at night

During 22-25 June, I went to Shanghai to meet my friend who lives in China as a student! So I was guided to many places in Shanghai (The Bund, Pudong, etc.). While I stayed in Shanghai, the most exciting event was the Shanghai 2010 Expo. So I'll introduce the Shanghai Expo.

The Shanghai Expo is open from the 1st of May to the 31st of October and its theme is “Better City, Better Life.” The area and attendance are on a much larger scale than other expos.

I spent 2 days at the expo. The weather for these days was not fine (too hot, too muggy, and too rainy) and I had to wait 2~3 hours to enter the pavilions.

Most people spent the waiting time eating cucumbers and tomatoes and drinking juice (it was forbidden to bring water in from the outside and water sold inside was too expensive).

And the area was so large that I spent an hour to go to the next pavilion. So I could watch each place only a little.

But after waiting a long time, the pavilions were a valuable experience and I was able to recover from the fatigue. The rapid development in China that I saw is so exciting!

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Jul 19, 2010
Crowded, muggy Shanghai Expo 2010
by: Gary Wolff

Kazuya, I'm so happy you had a good time in Shanghai with your friend.

I'm not so sure how well I would've done there, as I don't like crowds, nor muggy weather. :-)

Wow, I didn't know the Shanghai Expo lasts for SIX months. Such a LONG time !

And thanks for sharing your Shanghai pics with the class...

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