Advice on the direction I should take coming down Mt. Fuji and heading to Hiroshima?
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Advice on the direction I should take coming down Mt. Fuji and heading to Hiroshima?

by Meredith
(United States)

I found your website somehow and it is full of great and useful information, which I deeply appreciate. Since you seem pretty knowledgeable, can you give me advice on the direction I should take coming down Mt. Fuji and heading to Hiroshima?

I was thinking I would come down through Fujinomiya and catch the JR Tokaido Line at Shin-Fuji and head to Hiroshima instead of back tracking through the Yoshida trail and going back to Shinjuku.

Do you agree with this or think this is crazy? I can't seem to find ANY information on this and you see to know. I appreciate any help or advice you can provide. Thank you.


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May 04, 2014
It's not crazy. :-)
by: Gary Wolff

You're spot on, Meredith. Most folks from Osaka, Kyoto, and all points south usually use the Fujinomiya Trail.

More info here:

Best wishes....


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