America is our best friend - "Pray for Japan"
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America is our best friend - "Pray for Japan"

by Hirotaka Gotoh

U.S. aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) providing emergency assistance after the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

U.S. aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) providing emergency assistance after the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

On March 11, 2011 the earthquake and tsunami which were the strongest of all those suffered in the world hit Japan at the same time. The number of victims reached about 14,500, which exceeded that of The South Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake in 1995, so this disaster is recorded as the worst catastrophe in history. Japan has been filled with grief.

Many countries of the world declared support for Japan. Especially, America has helped Japan energetically and friendly. America dispatched an aircraft carrier to serve as a heliport for rescue helicopters, care for the wounded, sending relief to the earthquake victims, and so on. Thanks to this support, many victims could survive !

In a TV interview of a member of the American military who supplied food for victims, he said "I do matter of course." When I heard those words, I felt Japan is loved by America---and other countries---from the bottom of my heart. I was greatly touched, and I could not cease shedding tears of gratitude.

So, I'd like to take this occasion to express my gratitude to America. "Thank you, my best friend."

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