An Unbeatable Country
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An Unbeatable Country

by Zhuoliang Zhang/Bruce
(Chofu City, Tokyo, Japan)

Russia is located in Europe and Asia, whose area is the largest in the world. Although I have never been there before, it impresses me a lot, for it is an unbeatable country.

Napoleon was an excellent militarist and military genius and became the French emperor later. He created a great number of military miracles. During his office, he defeated anti-France allies many times and built a tremendous empire. However, a complete failure occurred to him when he attacked Russia in 1812.

More than 100 years later, when the German army attacked the Soviet Union (the then name of Russia) all of a sudden and had already arrived outside of Moscow, Hitler thought that conquering of the Soviet Union was only a matter of time. Still he was completely wrong. The brave Soviet Union Red Army resisted the Nazi army and defeated them in the end, which became the turning point of the Second World War.

Though quite a large area belongs to Russia and it's freezing cold in the winter are important factors which lead to Russia's success, the fact that brave Russian people developed in such conditions is more vital. It is the spirit that made Russia unbeatable in the past and since in the future.

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