Are Hiuchi, Kitadake, Aka, Ontake, Komaga, Haku, & Oku-shirane day hikes?
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Are Hiuchi, Kitadake, Aka, Ontake, Komaga, Haku, & Oku-shirane day hikes?

by Adrian

Hi Gary, I intend to climb several mountains in Japan in September: Hiuchi, Kita-dake, Aka, Ontake, Komaga, Haku, & Oku-shirane. All are central, Japan Alps or near.

As far as I can tell, all are day hikes and have huts on the mountains though not sure if all will be open in second half of Sept.

Do you agree all are day hikes?


Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your email. I'm always willing to help anyone ready to experience the beauty of Japanese mountains.

Aka-dake, Kai-koma, Kiso-koma, & Ontake-san are day hikes, but Kita-dake will be a VERY tough day hike (1660m (5446 ft) elev. gain from Hirogawara trailhead to summit) unless you are in excellent physical condition & get a very early start.

For Kita-dake, I suggest you stay in a hut. And I believe most of the Kita-dake huts are open thru Oct. More info on the peak & those huts here:

Here are some more links that may help:

Sorry, I don't have pages yet for Aka-dake or Kiso-koma, but my Kiso-Koma page is under construction, so will be finished soon. In the meantime, you can view my Kiso-koma pics here:

I'm afraid I don't have any info on the other peaks you mentioned.

Best wishes,

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Feb 24, 2012
I found your site easy to read
by: Adrian

Hi Gary
thank you for your quick response. I will check those useful links.

Actually I am taking a group of around 6 people to climb the Ultra mountains of Japan but we have just 2 weeks so we can not climb all 21 in that time. We will fly over from London in mid September (1 comes over from San Diego and 1 from Colorado). I will check your site in case I can find reports on the other mountains that we may be interested in.


I found your site easy to read so I will have a good check for those hills.

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