Are sleeping bags necessary in the mountain huts on route to Mt. Oku-hotaka-dake?
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Are sleeping bags necessary in the mountain huts on route to Mt. Oku-hotaka-dake?

by Mick Patrick
(Sydney, Australia)


Thank you for answering my earlier question regarding route selection.

Departing in early October, my wife and I have decided to hike from Kamikochi to Mt Okuhotaka-dake via Karasawa Valley and returning the same way. We have chosen this route to avoid the dreaded Daikiretto and the knee crunching decent from Mt. Maehotaka-dake down to the Dakezawa River.

We will stay one night in the Karasawa Lodge, then Hotaka Dake Sansou, and lastly the Yarisawa Lodge (as Yokoo Sansou is fully booked).

We have read that bedding is provided, however we are unsure if we need to carry sleeping bags.

As we are very conscious of carrying unnecessary weight (I am over 60), can you advise if sleeping bags are necessary?

Mick Patrick

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Sep 15, 2014
No need
by: Gary Wolff

Mick, I'm sorry I have no recent info on those huts, but in general, bedding is provided in Japanese mountain huts. But don't expect the mats, futons, blankets, & pillows to be that sanitary.

They're not necessarily dirty, but without a washing machine or dryer up there in the alpine country, there's no way to clean them other than to air them out in the bright sunshine. :-)

After 2 decades of climbing Japanese peaks, I've never, ever carried a sleeping bag.

Have a nice hike!


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