Are there any stations open on the Fujinomiya trail after the close of climbing season?
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Are there any stations open on the Fujinomiya trail after the close of climbing season?

by Nicholas
(New Zealand)

Hi Gary, in the shoulder period in late Sept. (after the close of the official season), are there any stations open on the Fujinomiya trail?


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Sep 29, 2015
Don't forget your portable toilet
by: Gary Wolff

Prem, I'm not a big fan of off-season climbing, so you're probably asking the wrong person.

The Subashiri trail officially closed Sept. 10, so you are now required to submit a climbing plan a week in advance.

And don't forget your own portable toilet.

More info here:

Best wishes...

Sep 28, 2015
Climbing October 2
by: Prem

I have been planning on climbing Mt Fuji by myself and well equipped on Friday 2 October up Subarishi trail. Intend to stop at Taiyo-Kan Friday night which is purportedly open. Weather forecast has been OK but now predicted windspeed is 80 to 85 overnight.

How realistic is the plan. I am moderately experienced trekker (bush walker in Australia). I will have walking poles plenty of clothing and food etc.

I note one of tour companies is doing a guided tour the next day Saturday.

Advice please,


Jun 20, 2015
by: Nicholas

Hi Gary,

I really appreciate you coming back to me on this, thank you. It looks like the Subashiri trail is the only option for the shoulder period.


Jun 20, 2015
Only up to the 6th Station
by: Gary Wolff

Nicholas, according to last year's schedule, you'd be SOL (sh*t outta luck) above the 6th Station (elev. 2500m) Hoei-sanso hut:

But I'll update this info early next month when the 2015 info becomes available, and it'll be linked from the bottom of my huts page: Mt. Fuji Mountain Huts

Best wishes...


P.s. You might find this old story on the New Zealand national softball team somewhat amusing:

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