Brazil Holds a Characteristic Dynamism
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Brazil Holds a Characteristic Dynamism

by Mika Iwasaki
(Tokyo, Japan)

The statue of Christ on Corcovado

The statue of Christ on Corcovado

I think, it seems that the huge statue of Christ on the hill of Corcovado symbolizes the dynamism of Brazil. For Brazilians, Christ was a pagan god who was brought by the Portuguese in the 16th century.

But Christianity got mixed with the native Brazilian religion, and that gave a new shade and dynamism in Brazil. Now, the most prosperous carnival in the world is held in Rio de Janeiro every year with the huge statue of Christ watching over the city from the top of the hill.

I am fascinated that Brazil holds this characteristic dynamism. I am looking forward to seeing many hot faces of Brazil at the Summer Olympic Games in 2016.

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Apr 06, 2014
Just a "correção" (Just a correction)
by: Anonymous

Por volta de 1500, sim, Cristo era "um deus pagão". Com o tempo, o cristianismo se tornou a religião majoritária no Brasil. Embora muitos sejam sincretistas, há aqueles que realmente são cristãos. O Cristo Redentor é um centro turístico sim, mas também um símbolo da fé.

Google translation to English:

By 1500, even Christ was "a pagan god." Over time, Christianity became the main religion in Brazil. Although many are syncretistic, there are those who are really Christians. Christ the Redeemer is a tourist center, yes, but also a symbol of faith.

Sep 26, 2013
by: Antonio de Freitas

ola! bem posso dizer que sou brasileiro, o Rio de Janeiro não pode parecer tudo isso que imaginam, eu moro na cidade de São Paulo, oque imaginam do Rio e uma bela cidade mais na verdade e uma grande mentira, Rio de Janeiro não passa de uma cidade suja, com grande indice de roubo e assasinato!Não recomendo que seja uma cidade boa pra se visitar, São Paulo e uma cidade muito grande como tokyo, cheio de tecnologia e bonita, digamos que seja algo semelhante, porem oque e visto nas midias sobre o Rio não e verdade, e apenas um cartão postal falço!

Google translation to English:

hello! well I can say that I am Brazilian, the Rio de Janeiro can not seem to imagine all that, I live in São Paulo, what do think of Rio and a beautiful city in the truth and a lie, Rio de Janeiro is just a dirty city, with major index of robbery and murder! not recommend it is a good city to visit, São Paulo and a very big city like tokyo, full of technology and beautiful, let's say something similar, however what it is seen in the medias over the river and not truth, and only a postcard Falco!

May 17, 2010
Rio de Janeiro
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Mika, for sharing this info about religion in Brazil.

I've never been to Rio, but it seems like such a beautiful city, so I hope I can visit there someday.

Thanks again for your story...

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