Brazil's Beautiful Nature
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Brazil's Beautiful Nature

by Eriko T.

Brazil's Amazon River

Brazil's Amazon River

When it comes to Brazil, I think of the Amazon. What do you think of Brazil? Maybe everyone has heard of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!!!!!! We are fascinated by the exciting music, exotic costumes, and rhythmic dance of the samba. ★★★

I feel that Brazil is very powerful and full of energy. =) It is said that the Amazon is regarded as the world's largest river by volume, and it’s the second longest river after the Nile.

Which countries does the Amazon flow through??? It flows through Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, Venezuela, and Ecuador. Peru is the place where the Amazon begins!

The Amazon jungle is also the largest tropical rainforest in the world. It is home to a large variety of plants and animals on the earth.

But I’ve heard that people are destroying this beautiful place in nature. That’s very sad. It’s tough to keep a balance between development and the environment.

This earth is not only ours. We should keep the earth beautiful for the next generation.

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