British Music in the 1990's
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British Music in the 1990's

by Yoshihide Danjoh
(Musashino, Tokyo, Japan)

British band Oasis

British band Oasis

In the early 1990's British music had fallen into a state of an overabundant supply. Then bands like Oasis and Blur suddenly appeared on the music scene like a flash. This music is called Britpop.

The delightful music from these bands came from the worker class and excited people, making a big impact on the British people. The influence of the class still exists in Britain.

Their music that satirized society obtained a lot of people's sympathy, and a big sensation happened.

By the way, I loved that the band Oasis shut down last year. I could not help smiling a wry smile because it is said that the cause was a quarrel between the brothers.

However, I love such mischievous British music.

Thanks for reading!

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Mar 01, 2015

Can I also add Britpop was nothing new...It was simply a revival from the 1960s when The Beatles, Kinks and The Who were at their biggest. They integrated this with 1980s and early 90s bands. It was the Government that created the hype for tourism.

Mar 01, 2015
Not true

We have many good bands. In the 1980s we had The Smiths, The Cure, Joy Division, who were all big independent bands. Even in Early 90s before Oasis and Blur we had "shoegaze", which was a progression of psychedelic rock with many British bands were apart of such as My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, The Verve, Catherine Wheel and Lush. There are now many Japanese shoegaze bands that I have listened to over the years due to the influence. Blur were even very briefly apart of the shoegazing scene, but they simply weren't good enough so changed direction. We even had Suede in the early 90s who were better than Oasis and Blur...but of cause, that is just my own personal opinion.

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