Can I climb Mt. Fuji if pregnant?
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Can I climb Mt. Fuji if pregnant?

Would you recommend climbing Mt. Fuji if pregnant? I hiked up Machu Pichu (Peru) 3 years back while I was 8 weeks pregnant (21 miles over 3 days).

Wondering if I can pull off Mt. Fuji as well, if I pace myself well. Any thoughts?

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Aug 13, 2014
Don't think so
by: Gary Wolff

Well, what an interesting question.

I've never been pregnant, nor am I a doctor, :-) so I don't feel qualified to advise you, but I can assure you that Mt. Fuji is a VERY difficult peak, even for experienced mountain climbers in excellent physical condition. The climbing trail gets quite steep above the 9th station, involving some moderate rock scrambling which requires giant steps. And when it rains, the rocks can get very slippery. The winds can get so strong, some hikers literally get blown off the trail.

You didn't say how far along you are in your pregnancy, but I'll just pass along some of the same advice that my Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page offers to parents considering taking their young children (even babies!) up Japan's highest mountain (

For example, you might want to consider the effects on your unborn child if you get altitude sickness with symptoms such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Or if you get caught in a severe lightning storm or typhoon (which occurred here just this past weekend....some parts of Japan received over 800 mm (~31 inches) of rain in a 24-hr. period), and you're 30 min. or more from the nearest mountain hut. Or if you find yourself below a rock slide or suddenly have to quickly dodge a dislodged boulder tumbling down from above.

If you climb the main Yoshida Trail, to my knowledge, there are only 2 first-aid stations, at the 7th Station & 8th Station, and I seriously doubt these are staffed by licensed medical professionals. Also, please keep in mind that if something serious happens and you can't get down off of Mt. Fuji on your own power, to be rescued by helicopter or bulldozer may cost you up to thousands of dollars.

Not to rain on your parade, :-) but for these reasons I don't think it's such a good idea to climb Mt. Fuji if you're pregnant. Instead, you might want to consider an air-conditioned bus tour to Mt. Fuji's 5th Station, which is a kind of city in and of itself & where you can still get a feel for being on the mountain, but without having to exert all the effort to get up on top. :-) More info on 5th Station bus tours here:

Best wishes!

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