Can I go up Subashiri trail and go down Fujinomiya trail?
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Can I go up Subashiri trail and go down Fujinomiya trail?

by Abhi

...and get all stamping huts for my sticks on both trails and then technically do the same for Yoshida trail by going up that and going down the Gotemba trail?

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Sep 02, 2018
Ascent and descent
by: Anonymous

I git 2 full days on Mount Fuji

I done yoshida years ago so I guess just do fujinomiya and subashiri to get all there huts on each day trail ascending ?

Maybe descent on gotemba to get their huts ?

Sep 02, 2018
Gotemba Huts
by: Anonymous

Wanted to chime in with a quick add, having just finished (read: suffered through) a Gotemba hike yesterday--

There are no open huts on Gotemba from 5th to 7th stations in either direction, and the ascent/descent routes are the same from 7th station to the summit-- so it's absolutely possible to hit all of the route's huts on just a descent!

Sep 01, 2018
No problem, Abhi...
by: Gary Wolff

...but the mountain huts on the Yoshida, Subashiri, and Gotemba trails are mostly on the ascent trails, so when you go down the descent trails, you will bypass a number of mountain huts.

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