Can I hike up the Yoshida Trail and down the Gotemba Trail in early July before the Gotemba Trail officially opens?
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Can I hike up the Yoshida Trail and down the Gotemba Trail in early July before the Gotemba Trail officially opens?

by Audrey

We would like to hike up the Yoshida Trail and down the Gotemba Trail on July 7. We understand the Yoshida Trail will be "open" but we are wondering if it is possible to decline on the Gotemba Trail before it officially "opens"?

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Jun 26, 2015
by: Gary Wolff

Audrey, I'm afraid not.

Mt. Fuji's 3 trails from Shizuoka Prefecture open on different dates every year, sometimes early and sometimes late. You can see opening dates of these 3 Shizuoka trails for the past 7 years here.

But entry to any section of these trails before they officially "open" is expressly forbidden, usually because of unsafe climbing conditions due to HUGE late lingering snowbanks.

I am posting future updates to the status of the 3 Shizuoka trails here.

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