Can I make it to the top of Fuji-san on my first time try?
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Can I make it to the top of Fuji-san on my first time try?

by Panos

Hi, Gary!
Many thanks and congratulations for your amazing web page with the great and very useful info!
I'm going to Japan in a couple of days and I'm planning to climb Fujiyama on 1st of July - I can't do it later, 'cause the next day, I have to be, late night, at Narita, to catch my flight back home!
I'd like to ask you if you think I'm able to make it...
I'm pretty fat (about 40 kilos more than the normal - according to my height), I'm a heavy smoker for the last 30 years, I hate fitness, exercise, gym, etc. and (of course) I've never climbed a mountain before!
BUT! I have faith and will and I REALLY want to make it!
So... what do you think?

Keep on the good work!
Panos - GREECE

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Jun 15, 2016
There are many beautiful views on the way up!
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for your kind words, Panos.

In all due respect, Mt. Fuji is not for beginners, and as one who has been climbing peaks since my boy scout days, I seriously doubt you can make it to the top of Fuji-san.

But you can see a lot from the 5th Station, a city all by itself, and even if you don't make it to the top, the views on the way up are breathtaking on a clear day.

Have a great trip and happy trails...

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