Can we climb Mt. Fuji around 20 June 2014?
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Can we climb Mt. Fuji around 20 June 2014?

by Gabrielle

Hello! I saw your post on Mt. Fuji! I'm actually a student touring Japan before my summer school starts.

So my friends and I can only climb Mt. Fuji around 20 June 2014. It's sort of off season, but not too far off. We would love to wait, but we have to fly back to Korea for summer school and we really wanna climb Mt. Fuji.

Thus, we were hoping to seek your view and expertise on this.


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Jun 17, 2014
Let's go together
by: Anonymous

Surely, your date of climbing is exactly same to me, I planned to climb Fuji on this weekend June 20th, 2014. I planned to go via Fujinomiya trail, because it is the shorstest one. The problem is the bus is very limited, and almost impossible to reach the top in one day climbing. Any idea? and I have another agenda on 21th afternoon so I must back lastly on 21th morning. Ready to go together? contact me (I've also submitted this comment in "contact me").

May 04, 2014
Not a good idea, IMHO.
by: Gary Wolff

Gabrielle, I'd highly discourage it, as there's still a LOT of snow up there in late June and very few of the facilities are open yet. Pls. see below a pic of Fuji-san taken on June 22 of last year by a friend of mine in Tokyo.

For further info, I recommend you read very carefully this section of my Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ page, as well as watch the short video embedded there:

Enjoy the rest of your stay in Japan...


(photo credit: David Couvreur)

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