Can you catch a taxi at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station around 7 or 8 pm?
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Can you catch a taxi at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station around 7 or 8 pm?

by Tea

Hi Gary,

Thanks for all your helpful information. Do you know if there are taxis readily available at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station at night? In the event I don't finish descent until 7 or 8PM, I know that I will be too late for the bus back to Shinjuku. Alternatively, I would like to take a taxi to Fujisan Station so that I can take the train back to Tokyo.

How hard is it to get a taxi at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station?


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Jun 21, 2023
Maybe the tourist info centers can help...
by: Gary Wolff

Tea, I seriously doubt that whoever answers the phone at a taxi company will be an English speaker, however there is always someone who speaks English at the tourist info centers, so let me give you another phone number to put into your phone for the Fujiyoshida Tourist Information Center: +81-555–22–7000 (0555–22–7000 when dialed from inside Japan - open 9:00-17:00)
Perhaps they can tell you how to summon a taxi from the Mt. Fuji 5th station.

Also, when arrive at the 5th station after coming down off the peak, if it’s already past the last 18:40 bus, surely some kind Japanese soul at one of the 5th station stores or mountain huts (or even a fellow Japanese climber) will be happy to call the taxi company for you.

In a worst case situation, even though I’ve heard that most of the Yoshida Trail mountain huts are already fully booked for most of the season, you might luck out (in the event of a cancellation) & find a vacant room at the 5th station, for example capsule rooms (I like to call them coffins, even though they're quite comfy) :-) at the Unjokaku which would likely cost much less than a taxi ride down the mountain.

Hope this helps. Best wishes…

Jun 21, 2023
Taxi phone number
by: Tea

Thank you, Gary! I really appreciate your help in looking into this matter.
Do you have a phone number for the taxi company, and do you know if they speak English?
It sounds like it might be worth it to call a taxi so that we don’t get stranded, although it may be double the cost.

Jun 21, 2023
Don't think so...
by: Gary Wolff

Great question, Tea! In fact so good, I don’t have a clear answer for you. :-)

But on your behalf, I called bot​​h the JNTO Tourist Information Center as well as the Fujiyoshida City Hall international affairs desk, and what I learned is that taxis don’t generally hang out at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station as they might do at a busy train station.

However, you could possibly get lucky if one might just happen to be there, having just dropped off someone from, say, the base of the mountain.

I was told that the estimated taxi fare from the 5th station down to the Kawaguchiko train station is around ¥11,000, however if it’s between 10 pm & 5 am it would be about 20% higher.

You could always call to have a taxi come up and get you from the base of the mountain, but I assume the (round trip) fare would be twice as high.

Of course if you could maybe rustle up some other climbers in the same boat (who've also arrived back at the 5th station after the last 18:40 pm bus), then you could save money by sharing the taxi fare.

Sorry I couldn’t give you better news, but if you’d like a 3rd opinion, :-) you might try calling the Fujikawaguchiko Tourist Information Center between 9 am & 5 pm at +81–555–72–6700.

For the benefit of future Mt. Fuji climbers, feel free to post another comment on this page if you get a better answer. :-)

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site…

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