Climbing Mt. Kita-dake in early November
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Climbing Mt. Kita-dake in early November

by Andrew Zimet
(Montana, USA)

We are interested in climbing Kita-dake or possibly doing traverse of the Southern Alps starting Nov. 2 or 3. Will there be transportation available to Hirogawara?

Also, if doing the traverse, will there be transport from Sawarajima to Hatanagi Daiichi dam and further on to Shizuoka Nov. 8 or 9?

Also, is snow likely at that time of year? This is our first time to Japan, so I apologize for my ignorance.


Andrew Zimet

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Sep 24, 2014
Hirogawara OK -- not sure about Shizuoka
by: Gary Wolff

Andrew, buses run from JR Kofu Station to Hirogawara till Sun. Nov. 9:

As for Sawarajima, the lodge there is open till Nov. 9 (, and so their shuttle buses (only available to their overnight guests) to Hatanagi Daichi Dam run till the same date (

But I'm afraid the bus service from Hatanagi Daichi Dam to JR Shizuoka Station finished for the season on Aug. 31, so I guess in theory that limits your options to taxis (if you can find one) or hitchhiking.

Finally, snowfalls are fairly common in Japan's high country anytime from around the beginning of Oct.

Best wishes with your 1st visit to Dai Nippon...


p.s. I was the head bellman @ Glacier Park Lodge in the summer of '90... :-)

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