Cost of lunch options at 5th station?
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Cost of lunch options at 5th station?

by Carson Cashion
(Orlando, Florida)

Hello Gary, thank you so much for this informational and helpful website! If I am planning on using your second option in the PDF, meaning I'd rest at a hut after reaching the 7th/8th station and then summiting at sunrise, what are the lunch options at the 5th station?

I would be beginning my hike around noon, so I am not sure if it would be better to bring food or eat before I arrive, or eat lunch at the 5th station. Are the prices expensive?

Thanks again for your website, it has helped a ton!

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Jul 27, 2021
Lots of options at various prices
by: Gary Wolff

Howdy, Carson, and thanks for the kind words. The 5th station is like a city in itself with lots of cafés, restaurants, and a convenience store.

And when I was there 6 years ago, there were lots of options ranging from soba and ud​​on noodles, meat sauce spaghetti, beef stew, gyoza, ramen, beef balls, to even curry rice in the shape of Mount Fuji. :-)

In this photo, you can see a menu at a restaurant where I ate which shows prices ranging from ¥400-¥1000:
(click on photo to enlarge it, and click "Back to album" to see the other pictures I took that day)

I am planning to visit the 5th station again this Friday, July 30 if you’d like to check back with me when I'll have more current information.

Happy trails & thanks for visiting my site...

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