​​How can I get from Gotemba Station to Sengen Shrine really early in the morning on my climbing day?
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​​How can I get from Gotemba Station to Sengen Shrine really early in the morning on my climbing day?

by Jeff


First, thanks for all the great information you provide with your website. It's the best source of information I've found anywhere on climbing Mt. Fuji!

20 years ago I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Fuji while stationed in Okinawa as a Marine, but at the last minute I was unable to make the trip. This July I'm getting a second chance to climb with some friends while their on vacation. The plan is to meet them during their trip and do part of the climb together. Since their 8 year old son will be with them, their plan is to hike the Subashiri trail, stay in a hut at the summit overnight, catch the sunrise and hike back down the Subashiri or Gotemba trail.

My plan is a little more ambitious... Assuming good weather, I'm going to start at the original Station One (Sengen Shrine) and meet them at the summit, spend the night, and come back down with them. We will all be staying before and after in Gotemba.

Question - ​​How can I get from Gotemba Station to Sengen Shrine really early in the morning on my climbing day?

I have not seen any bus options and I'm not even positive I could use or afford a 40-minute cab ride. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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Jun 07, 2015
by: Jeff

That's helpful... I should be able to calculate the distance between the two examples and back into a rough price before calling the TIC.

Thanks again!


Jun 07, 2015
Not sure about taxis
by: Gary Wolff

No clue about taxis, Jeff, other than I've read that the taxi fare from Fujiyoshida up to the 5th Station runs about ¥12,000, and for downhill climbers who at the infamous 8th Station trail fork mistakenly take the Subashiri route down instead of the Yoshida route, the taxi ride from the Subashiri trailhead over to Fujiyoshida runs at least ¥20,000.

But perhaps the TIC can help you with those questions.

Hope it all works out...


p.s. You only need to set up Skype if you can't afford a regular international phone call... :-)

Jun 07, 2015
Do you think it would be possible to hire a cab that early for the 40-minute drive?
by: Jeff


Thanks for the quick response.

Yes, I agree that the most logical approach would be to start in Fujiyoshida and I could do that, but I'm attempting to shed my travel clothes and gear to reduce the extra weight and bulk for the hike. Since we all will all be coming back to Gotemba I would still have the issue of having my extras luggage at the wrong city. I even thought about express shipping it from one hotel to the other, but I'm concerned about the logistics and having it arrive in time.

I'll give the Info Center a shot once I figure out how to setup skype. ;)

That said - Do you think it would be possible to hire a cab that early for the 40 minute drive? If so, how expensive would you say it could be?


Jun 07, 2015
Sorry, I'm not aware of bus service from Gotemba to Fujiyoshida
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for the kind words, Jeff.

I'm not aware of any bus service from Gotemba to Fujiyoshida, nor any demand for such a service as most folks who start from the Sengen Shrine logically would come from Tokyo.

​But to find out for sure, you might want to skype the helpful folks at the Tourist Info Center (https://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/travel/guide/jnto_tic.html).​

Thanks for your service to our country and best wishes with the climb...


p.s. Sleeping at the summit does have its risks. The only time I've ever experienced altitude sickness in an entire lifetime of climbing was 3 years ago when I slept at the summit after climbing up Fuji-san's Fujinomiya route. More info on that here: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail

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