How far in advance do we need to book the Mt. Fuji mountain huts?
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How far in advance do we need to book the Mt. Fuji mountain huts?

by Jamie

Hi Gary, firstly, great website! Thank you very much for the effort you've put in to it!

I was just wondering rounghly ​​how far in advance we need to book the mountain huts?

We're arriving in Tokyo on 17th July, and intend to climb via the Gotemba route on 21st July, saying in the 7.9 mountain hut. Though with an entire lack of Japanese, I'm struggling to understand exactly when I can book, and have a feeling language might be a barrier to booking at all. Will we be ok to wait until we are in Tokyo and asking our hotel to book it for us? Or will that likely be too late?

Thank you!


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Jun 19, 2015
Starting from around the beginning of June, if not sooner
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Jamie. Many if not most huts are already taking reservations, so waiting till July will likely be too late.

During climbing season, many huts hire college students, so often there is at least one person there who speaks English. But that may not be the case in May or June.

​So if I were you, I would simply Skype them (speak slowly and use easy English), and if there's no one who speaks English, then you could call them back after you go to Google Translate ( and learn the Japanese for just a few words or expressions like how to say "reservations," the dates you are staying, number of people, and whether you want to eat dinner and/or breakfast there.

Best wishes....


p.s. This list showing Gotemba huts will be updated in early July:

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