How is climbing Mt. Tateyama and Mt. Tsurugi-dake in mid-June?
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How is climbing Mt. Tateyama and Mt. Tsurugi-dake in mid-June?

by Gilbert R.

Would you happen to know the actual climbing conditions in mid-June? I've read that Tateyama is open from April, but I also heard there would still be some snow. How difficult is it? I'm planning to do so this year. Thanks.

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May 13, 2014
Serious snow
by: Anonymous

Thanks, Gary. I'm not new to hiking, but it would have been my first time in snow. Was really looking forward to it. I think I'll just do the whole Alpine route and hike around Murodo.

May 12, 2014
I wouldn't do it...
by: Gary Wolff

Gilbert, unless you're an experienced winter climber with all the necessary equipment, I would highly discourage you from climbing Mt. Tateyama or Mt. Tsurugi-dake in mid-June.

Generally, there is serious snow up there until at least early July, and it should be much worse this year due to the record snowfalls we received in central Japan this year in February.

To give you a better feel for Tateyama, here is a live web cam, which operates there from 6 am to 6 pm:

Best wishes...

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