How long will it take to climb the Yoshida trail during the day?
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How long will it take to climb the Yoshida trail during the day?

by Maddy

Hi Gary! I've thought of climbing the Mt. Fuji Yoshida trail on a Saturday, maybe July 18 or 25.

I've heard that it takes around 5 hours to ascend, but if I were to hike during the day (maybe early afternoon), how long do you think that will take?

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Jun 27, 2015
average hiking times are accurate
by: Roger

Hi Maddy,
The Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail average hiking times you see published on the internet are fairly accurate. I climbed (night) in 5 hr 47 min. and descended in 2 hr 43 min. (morning). I think night or day is the same.

Jun 27, 2015
6 hours minimum
by: Gary Wolff

Maddy, hiking time is highly variable, depending on how crowded the trail is, weather conditions, and the climber's own physical fitness.

As a minimum, I suggest you allow 6 hours of climbing time from the 5th Station to the summit, although many climbers take 8 hours or longer. And this does not include resting times.

Although many climbers are hopeful of avoiding nighttime crowds by climbing during the day, Mt. Fuji trail traffic actually peaks in the late afternoon around 4-5 pm, as you can see on this graph: Number of Mt. Fuji climbers in 2013-2014 by time of day and route

And as you can see in the graph just above that one, Saturday is the busiest day of the week. In fact, last year Sat. July 26 was the 2nd busiest hiking day in the entire 2014 Mt. Fuji climbing season with over 8200 climbers. Please note also that this year, July 18 is the 1st day of the 3-day Marine Day (海の日, Umi no Hi) weekend, so will be one of the busiest weekends of the entire season.

Have a great climb...

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