Is it possible to ascend and descend Mt. Kita-dake in the same day?
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Is it possible to ascend and descend Mt. Kita-dake in the same day?

by Fabienne

Dear Gary,

Thank you very much for your blog and your book on the Japanese Alps. I want to do the trip to Mount Kita-Dake with my friends in August. We are quite the fit hikers, however I was wondering whether it would be possible to ascend and descend in the same day? I have a feeling it will be tricky because of the bus schedule?

Could you also please send me the bus schedule, because the link in your book is referring to a Japanese website (everything in Japanese). They must have updated something, because I have a lot of trouble finding an English website with a time schedule to get and leave from Hirogawara?

I am looking forward to your answer and thank you very much in advance,


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Aug 12, 2019
It is very much possible
by: Anonymous

Dear Gary and Fabienne,

I took the early bus from Koufu (甲府駅) ariving at the Hirogawara bus stop at around 06:35. I reached the summit at around 09:45 and got back to the bus stop in time for the 13:00 bus (3h 40min before the last bus). So you can absolutely make it if you're in OK shape. I met other people there who did the same thing.

Jul 16, 2019
Not unless your name is Superman. :-)
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Fabienne.

The Japanese bus schedule connecting Kofu and Hirogawara is linked from my Mt. Kita-dake page: (I'm not aware of any English pages, but Google Translate works great.)

Because the last bus departs Hirogawara at 16:40, I don’t believe it’s possible to scale Mt. Kita-dake in just one day, unless your name is Superman.

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site...


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