Is it possible to climb Mt. Yarigatake via Kamikochi in 1 day by doing back trail route?
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Is it possible to climb Mt. Yarigatake via Kamikochi in 1 day by doing back trail route?

(Davao City, Philippines)

hello gary! from matsumoto will ride a bus to kamikochi. from kamikochi bus station, will proceed to mt yarigatake summit then go back to kamikochi. can this be possible in 1-2 days? what is the ideal itinerary for this? set up a tent in yokoo area then proceed to the summit the following day then do back trail back to kamikochi?

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Aug 20, 2014
You must be joking. :-)
by: Gary Wolff

Unless your name is Superman, I don't think that's possible. :-)

The very LONG 22km climb from Kamikochi to Yari-ga-take takes most hikers at least 8 hours, so trying to hike from Yokoo-sanso to Yari-ga-take, and then back out to Kamikochi in only 1 very LONG day is possible, I guess, but not probable (nor enjoyable) unless you're in excellent physical condition and are a very FAST hiker, in my humble opinion.

How about TWO nights in your tent in the Yokoo-sanso campsite? :-) [Alternatively, if you get an early enough start from Kamikochi, you could possibly camp (or stay in a hut) closer to Yari-ga-take, ideally at the Yari-dake-sanso.] Either way, I think you'd be well advised to factor in a little extra time for sudden outbursts of unforecasted bad weather, which we've been having a LOT of this summer in Japan.

Just today 40 people have died & 47 more are missing in Hiroshima from over 50 landslides triggered by record-setting torrential rainfall: 217 millimeters in only 3 hours before daybreak in the northern part of the city.

Have a nice trip and don't forget to check the time of the last bus back to Matsumoto...

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