Is it possible to get ​​mountain rescue insurance around Murodo or Tateyama?
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Is it possible to get ​​mountain rescue insurance around Murodo or Tateyama?

by Ania
(Hong Kong)

Hello Gary!

Thank you for putting such a fantastic website! I don't live in Japan and it really helped me last year, and it's definitely helping me plan for this year's traverse of the Northern Alps.

I was wondering if you knew whether it's possible to get a ​​mountain rescue insurance around Murodo or Tateyama. I will hike from Murodo to Kamikochi, and my private health insurance does not cover mountain or any sort of rescue.

Last year, I bought my insurance at a vending machine in Kamikochi and registered my hike at the welcome center, but this year, I won't have time to first go to Kamikochi and then make my way north all the way to Toyama, and finally Murodo.

Any ideas about what I should do?


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Aug 16, 2018
Same question
by: Sam

I would love to know if you ended up being able to do this as I have the same issue/question.


Oct 07, 2016
Not sure about that...
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Ania.

I'm not familiar with mountain rescue insurance, but I've seen it discussed before in Facebook's "Hiking in Japan" group (

So you might try posting your question there, but if you don't get a suitable response, you might try messaging Wes Lang, the group's administrator who I believe may be knowledgable about that kind of insurance.

Best wishes...


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