Is it true you can rent horses from Mt. Fuji's 5th Station???
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Is it true you can rent horses from Mt. Fuji's 5th Station???

by ann

ok maybe it is here and i have missed it (would not be the first time;) i read somewhere you can rent a horse and ride from station 5 to 7, but i cannot find details. which route? how much? is it respectable or totally 'cheating'?

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Sep 06, 2023
Health reasons for riding a horse~
by: Dave~

Hi all, looks like it's been a while since anyone posted. I was interested in horse riding bcs...
I haven't rode a horse in decades. Such a powerful and magestic animal. Also bcs I have pulminary issues and COPD.

I climbed Mt. Fuji when I was a child and wanted to again, regardless of my health. A horse can help a lot for my condition and satisfy my wish.

I was sadden to see negativity for horse riding. Also I would rather see horse poop than tourists leaving their trash on the trails.

Aug 30, 2015
It's now official! Sadly the answer is YES.
by: Gary Wolff

It's TRUE! I saw them with my own eyes. :-)

In one of the millions of brochures I picked up last week @ Mt. Fuji's 5th Station was a pic of one of the veteran horses named Akabee Gou, who's even hoofed it to Mt. Fuji's summit. Bless his heart!

Yes, horses have played a key role in Mt. Fuji's rich history, having since ancient times carried people's luggage, transported construction materials, and even delivered supplies to the mountain huts. Nowadays Mt. Fuji's 16 horses also help out folks with minor injuries or others too tired to hike.

Mt. Fuji 5th Station horses in their raincoats
Mt. Fuji 5th Station horses in their raincoats on Aug. 20, 2015

Aug 26, 2015
Mt Fuji Horse Rental Pricing
by: Anonymous

I took a picture of the horse renting prices when I climbed Mt. Fuji in July 2014 (no, I didn't cheat): Mt. Fuji 5th Station horse rental prices

Jul 28, 2015
Oh, NO!!!!!! (#2)
by: Gary Wolff

When you get a chance, please check out the 1:29 min. mark of this video:



p.s. Please have a look @ the pic in the "Access to Yoshida Trail" section about halfway down this page:


Jul 26, 2015
Oh, NO!!!
by: Gary Wolff

Ann, I was hoping & praying you were joking, but then I found this page where 3 different places they mention rental horses up to the Yoshida Trail's 7th Station:


I'm still hoping & praying that this page is obsolete, inaccurate, and that horse rentals are no longer possible. :-)

I burnt out about 4 decades ago having to dodge voluminous amounts of horse poop while climbing up America's gorgeous Rocky Mountains. Uh, no thanks.

Perhaps another visitor to this page who's recently climbed up the Yoshida Trail can vouch for whether there are really rental horses between the Yoshida Trail's 5th & 7th Stations.

Oh, and definitely's TOTALLY cheating!! :-)

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