Is the Kiretto as dangerous as the Daikiretto?
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Is the Kiretto as dangerous as the Daikiretto?

by Grace
(Tokyo, Japan)

Hi Gary, how are you? I think the rainy season is gone. I'm planning to climb Mt. Goryu and Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake both. I read your site and you said the Kiretto is not so dangerous like the map.

I am going by myself. Is it not so dangerous like the Daikiretto? I plan to see the sunrise from the summit of Mt. Goryu (13th-15th). Have you already been climbing? I hope so. :-)



Grace, the Kiretto just about killed me, as it was very hot that day and I got VERY dehydrated. From Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake's 2889m, you drop down to Kiretto's 2446m, and then back up to Mt. Goryu's 2814m. That's a REAL tough climb, but not quite as dangerous as Daikiretto.

This graph of the elevation profile will give you a better picture:

I'm planning to do Mt. Nishi-Notori-dake in early August, maybe the weekend of Aug. 5-7. It's one of the Shiranesanzan (白根三山, 3 white summits)....Kita-dake, Ai-no-dake, and Notori-dake.

Best wishes & have fun !


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Jul 15, 2011
The Kashimayari-ga-dake Kiretto is steeeep
by: Grace

Hi Gary. That Kiretto is steeeep. But very nice. I think going from Goryu-dake to Kashimayari-ga-take is better coz Goryu-dake needs more energy than Kashima. I started at 3:30 am to climb Goryu-dake, so it was not hot climbing in the morning. Thank you for your advice. That was important for me. I brought lots of water and I didn't get dehydration.

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