Mount Fuji Walking Stick Query
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Mount Fuji Walking Stick Query


I was curious, is there a certain timeframe in which you can get your stick branded during july-august or is it 24 hours a day that you can have it done at all mountain huts?


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Aug 03, 2013
Daytime for Branding
by: CaliforniaFries

I hiked Fuji on July 18-19 2013 and one hut was closed for stick branding and another had me wait for 5-10 min to start the fire. I hiked through the night so I assume you'd have better luck trying in the daytime.

Jun 16, 2013
Mnt Fuji Walking Stick
by: Stephanie

Thank you, i was thinking the same thing, because when i go i want to get all 25 stamps (there are 25 right? XD) including teh sunrise one, but it would be ashame to miss out on stamps because its closed.

And every thing i've read about people going up has all been during nighttime and all about the stamp you get at the top but nothing about the ones in between.

But thanks already for your reply :D if anyone else does know, i hope to hear it :D


Jun 15, 2013
Can you get your Mt. Fuji walking stick branded 24 hours a day?
by: Gary Wolff

Stephanie, that's an excellent question. In fact so good, I don't know the answer. :-)

I'm guessing that in theory the answer is probably 'yes', but because each hut is privately run and has their own policy, I would assume there must be downtime at some point during the 24 hrs. to give their staff a chance to sleep.

You could always call (or email if the hut has an email address) a particular hut in question and inquire:

Another option would be if a future visitor to this page who knows the answer is kind enough to answer your question.

Best wishes!

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