Mt. Fuji mountain hut availability at night
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Mt. Fuji mountain hut availability at night

by Patrick Spruit
(The Netherlands)

Dear Gary,

First of all, thank you so much for all the information you provide over here. It really makes planning your trip so much easier.

I have a question on night climbing Fuji. My girlfriend and I are planning to climb Fuji at night, leaving the Fujinomiya 5th Station around 21:00-22:00 on Sept. 2nd. This is because booking a mountain hut in English seems a bit difficult and you probably won't get much sleep anyways.

What I was wondering is: Are the mountain hut/stores open at night for those who want to climb through the night? Can you get bottled water or take some rest somewhere inside and have a meal for example?

Or are you just on your own on the mountain?

Thanks in advance!

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Apr 09, 2015
Not sure, but it's probably best to bring everything you need
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Patrick.

I'm not sure exactly, and I doubt there's a textbook answer to your question, as each Mt. Fuji mountain hut has their own policy.

But in general, "lights out" at the huts is usually around 19:00-20:00, and in order to help people sleep, they try to keep the inside of the huts pretty quiet till 12 or 1 am when many hikers start trekking to the summit for the sunrise. I seriously doubt you can get a meal during those quiet hours, but you might be able to buy some drinks.

Some mountain huts have stores where you can even buy rain gear, oxygen cylinders, and other climbing equipment, but not at nighttime.

I've heard that some huts will let non-stayers rest quietly inside the very front "reception" area of the huts, but usually for a nominal fee of say ¥1000 or so. But most huts have a few benches and sometimes tables outside the hut where you can stop for a breather without charge.

To be honest, if I were you, I'd follow the old boy scout motto "Be prepared" and bring your own stuff...just in case. :-)

Option B: Climb it during the daytime as I did 3 years ago: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail (The scenery is much better & it's much warmer!) :-)

Best wishes...

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