My best friend, Tomomi!!
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My best friend, Tomomi!!

by Kiho Muroga
(Suginami, Tokyo)

I have a best friend, and her name is Tomomi. We met each other in our second year in high school. Because she studied abroad after she finished her first year, she entered in my grade. Thanks to her studying abroad, we could meet each other.

The country she studied abroad in is Australia. After we met each other, we talked very much. I heard about a lot of things about Australia, like customs & lifestyles, from her.

In the first month of her year of studying abroad, she had a feeling of homesickness. But many friends helped her in her school, and made a good friendship. Her host family was also kind. They took her out to many famous places in Australia, for example, Ayers Rock, and the Great Barrier Reef. She said she had a nice time in her years of studying abroad.

Now, she lives in Kyoto and I live in Tokyo. But we are best friends and I want to continue our friendship forever.

Thanks to her studying abroad, we could know each other and become best friends. Therefore, I also like Australia very much.

Someday, I want to visit Australia with her!

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Jun 28, 2011
Friendship is one of the most important things in our lives
by: Gary Wolff

I agree, Kiho.

Two of my 3 best friends in my hometown, Houston, are guys I met in college. The 3rd one I've known since the 2nd grade in elementary school.

Your college days, I think, are some of the best days of your life, so I hope you will cherish them.

Best wishes to you, Kiho, in making many wonderful friends and visiting many nice places...

Jun 28, 2011
by: Kiho

I think friendship is one of the most important thing in our lives.
I want to make many friends in my university days!

Therefore, I want to visit many places and enter in many communities, and make many relationships with many people.

Jun 27, 2011
Lifelong high school friends
by: Gary Wolff

What a touching story, Kiho. And how sweet it is that you made your best friend in high school after her study abroad program in Australia.

We never know where fate will take us and how we will meet our very special friends.

But even to this day, some of my best friends I met in my high school and college days.

Thanks for your nice story, Kiho...

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