My Interest in Arabic
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My Interest in Arabic

by Saki U.

Arabic letters

Arabic letters

I started to study Arabic in this year. Why did I start to study Arabic? There are some reasons. The first reason is that Arabic is spoken in North Africa, like Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and so on.

I’m interested in Africa, so if I can speak Arabic, my range of acts will expand. Of course, English and French are two major languages in Africa. But, I heard French is difficult to learn, so I didn’t choose French.

The second reason is that I wanted to write Arabic. Arabic is a very interesting language. People write and read it from right to left. And the shape of letters is like a code. It is mysterious and attractive for me.

As I study Arabic, I got more interested in the Arabian world. At first, I was only interested in North African countries. But now, I want to visit Middle Eastern countries.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most famous countries in the Middle East, so I want to visit there. But Saudi Arabia has a restriction for acceptance of tourists; especially it is strict for female tourists because of Islam. I hope it will become easier to visit there someday.

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Dec 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hi i'm from Sudan and it's near Egypt people speak Arabic in my country and other languages, Arabic is interesting and there is also Islamic calligraphy or الخط العربي its also interesting art, good luck with Arabic

Oct 24, 2011
Arabic is a very interesting language
by: Gary Wolff

I agree, Saki, that Arabic is a very interesting language.

But I think I'd have the same trouble with Arabic letters that I've had with Japanese kanji. :-)

Best wishes with your Arabic studies and I hope you can visit Saudi Arabia & other Middle Eastern countries someday.

Thanks for sharing your views, Saki...

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