My visit to Buckingham Palace
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My visit to Buckingham Palace

by Atsushi

I went to Britain in March this year. I will talk about Buckingham Palace where I was interested in. Buckingham Palace is the present royal family's palace and a standard place for tours of London. 

The main part of sightseeing in Buckingham Palace is a ceremony of the guard change. I went to see it. It was crowded because I had gone at starting time. To gain a good place, people gathered there very early.

They put on a gray coat because it was March. The guard man wears a coat to warm the body. The tour guide said, "The guards put on red uniforms during summer." I want to go next time during summer. 

I can still feel the tradition of Britain from when I visited Buckingham Palace.

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Jun 30, 2015
Please Respect the Guards
by: Ben from England

For any of you coming to England to visit London please show respect for the guards. They are soldiers in ceremonial dress guarding Buckingham palace. They are not there as tourist attractions. Just remember that those men are soldiers and have recently been in combat in the middle east they are not actors in fancy dress. Do not get in their way and do not touch them.
In this video you see a tourist put his hand on the guards shoulder and the guards turns around and points his gun at him and the tourists laugh. This is not a joke the only thing that's stopping the guard from hurting the tourists is that he'd be in trouble if he did on duty.

Jul 18, 2011
Red uniforms during summer
by: Gary Wolff

Nice story, Atsushi.

Can you believe I've never been to Europe? When I get a chance to go, London, England will be one of my first stops, and Buckingham Palace will be a must-see sightseeing spot.

Can you recommend any more good sightseeing spots in London?

I hope you soon get to see the red summer uniforms of the guards @ Buckingham Palace!

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