New Zealand..., hope to see you someday
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New Zealand..., hope to see you someday

by Lumyong Pichanee

New Zealand nature

New Zealand nature

Firstly, I would like to inform you that I've never been to New Zealand before. All I know about New Zealand is from documentary books, Google, and stories I heard from others.

When I typed "New Zealand" in Google, it came out a great number of natural photos, usually a photo of nature like a wide green meadow with a high hill and clear sky as a background or the beautiful scenery of the ocean. When I saw those photos, I wondered if I could lay down on a meadow, enjoy nature, and let the time flow slowly. It must be a good place for relaxing. Many said humorously that in New Zealand, the number of sheep is greater than the number of citizens. I believed that with no doubt !!! :)

Moreover about New Zealand, there is a small native bird called "kiwi." The first impression I had about this kind of bird was their voice. It was terribly cute. I listened to the voice by a soft adorable kiwi-shaped puppet which was a souvenir from New Zealand. I am not sure whether it was their real voice or not, but from the tag which was attached to the puppet, it informed me that it was real.

Unfortunately, it was a long time ago and now the music box inside the puppet has broken. I hope I could be able to listen to that voice again. So, this is another reason I wanted to visit New Zealand. (And if I could, I would be able to listen from a real live one!!)

Finally, I'd like to say thank you for reading. There might be several grammatical mistakes. Please feel free to inform me about that (I'd be pleased). ^__^

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