Racing to the top of Mt. Fuji in 1971!
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Racing to the top of Mt. Fuji in 1971!

by Mike McGarry
(Bethany, Oklahoma USA)

On August 11th, 1971 our Boy Scout Troop arrived at the base of Mt Fuji. We were in Japan for the 13th World Jamboree and our Scout Master, Mr Grubb had arranged the trip for us before we returned to Los Angeles.

Myself and 2 of the other Scouts had heard that clouds were coming in and the view from the top would be cloudy. We decided to race up the mountain and try and beat the clouds. 2 hours and 35 mins later we made it to the top. We were able to enjoy the great view from the top as we rested, ate mandarin oranges and waited for the others.

On our way up we did stop to have our Fuji sticks branded at the small huts going up the trail. 45 years later and I still carry my Fuji stick on campouts with my boy Scout Troop. It was a Great experience.

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Feb 23, 2018
Also attended Jamboree in 1971
by: Anonymous

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your story. I also attended the same jamboree, and also still have my fuji stick. My experience was probably a little different, as we climbed Mt. Fuji early in the morning (mostly in dark) and was unfortunately clouded over when we reached the top. I was with Troop 2 from California (we went as an entire troop) and when the Typhoon hit, and everyone was evacuating, our troop leaders we decided that we stay ....what an experience...

Sep 10, 2016
1971 Boy Scout World Jamboree in Japan
by: Gary Wolff

I attended the 1967 Boy Scout World Jamboree in Farragut State Park, Idaho, and like you, my scoutmaster attended the 1971 Boy Scout World Jamboree in Japan near Mount Fuji.

And on my current 28-day, 7700-mile road trip, I had the pleasure of revisiting my exact campsite in Farragut State Park. It was amazing.

How cool of you to share your story, Mike. Thank you very much…

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