Russian Vodka
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Russian Vodka

by Eriko
(Tokyo, Japan)

Russian Vodka

Russian Vodka

Last week we studied about Russia. Although I don’t like to drink so much, what interested me about Russia was an alcoholic drink called ‘Vodka.’ According to Russia's vodka museum website, the word «vodka» has been known since the 17th century and is most likely a derivative of «voda» (water).

It is clear like water. I was surprised by its long history!!!!! Why do Russians drink vodka? There are many reasons. One of the reasons is a way to stay warm in the winter. It is important for us to keep our bodies warm!!!!!!

I’ve never been to Russia. But if I get a chance to go there, I’d like to visit the vodka history museum.

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Dec 12, 2014
by: Toyra

I have read a lot reviews, but I would trust my taste buds more than a written review. So based on my personal experience, I would rate this vodka smooth and elegant and very different from what I have had so far.

Dec 20, 2010
Keeping warm in the winter !
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Eriko, for your nice story about Russian vodka.

Back when I was still a drinking man (I stopped drinking alcohol in July 2004), I used to enjoy many different cocktails made with vodka, like the Black Russian, White Russian, Bloody Mary, etc.

Yes, I imagine vodka is quite a good body warmer in the COLD Russian winters. :-)

Thanks for your interesting story and Happy Holidays !!


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