Saudi Arabia and Arabic
by Oscar Mario Rosas Tabera
(Chofu, Tokyo, Japan)
Some time ago I was searching on the internet about the most difficult language in the world... I didn't remember that I already knew it... It's Arabic.
I mention this because Arabic is the Saudi Arabia official language, and it is spoken in many countries, which all of them together form the Islamic Region.
One thing about Arabic is that it's a language which hasn't changed so much through the ages; the main reason is that the Koran is written in Arabic.
Some people say that Arabic is the origin of other languages; words like "macabre," "coffee," "algorithm," and "algebra" are Arabic words, and maybe the most important contribution of Arabic is the one that we use everyday and maybe we don't know where it came from: the numbers.
It is said that all the letters of other languages are easy to pronounce for Arabic speakers; however, is not the same for non-native speakers who try to learn Arabic. A curious fact: there is a letter called "Dhad" that only exists in Arabic (That's why Arabic is also known as Dhad's language).
Perhaps one day I'll start to learn Arabic by myself. I think the most difficult part is the calligraphy... And you? What do you think about Arabic?
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