The Legend of the Red Dragon in Wales
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The Legend of the Red Dragon in Wales

by Jun Kuzuya
(Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan)

The national flag of Wales

The national flag of Wales

As you know, Wales is a famous country of Celtic culture. Many Celtic fairy stories remain there. One of them is the legend of the red dragon. I would like to share about it this time.

The legend of the red dragon is a very famous story in Wales. It is from the Celtic tradition.

When the earth was born, there was a black dragon in the ground. It made many misfortunes; for example, earthquakes, land subsidence, and so on.

And then, the red dragon as the god of water appeared. Both dragons got into a battle. After a long battle, the red dragon won and the earth seemed to become peaceful.

From this story, the red dragon became the symbol of Wales. For example, the red dragon is in the national flag of Wales, and the national rugby team of Wales is called the "red dragon."

In the end, Welsh people are seen as having "dragon hearts." What an amazing story I think!

So we can find that one tradition had many influences on the Welsh nation. It is a very interesting story!!

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Sep 03, 2013
Welsh history
by: LadyBritish

I'm so glad people are actually interested in the country I live in - I came across this site searching for my school 'Cymraeg' project over the holidays.
As legand goes; the Red dragon represents the Welsh people and the WHITE -not black -dragon represents the invading Saxons and English - there are one or two versions of the legands depending on which one you go on.
It's hard to explain the legand, so you did a great job.
Through history Britain has been known for its vast empire. The only country I could imagine us Welsh having a grudge over are the English, we have a shared's something in our past and culture we haven't forgiven them for.
1) For killing the last true Welsh prince.
2) For banning Welsh teaching in welsh school, including using violent punishments and 'the Welsh not' and whipping on any students who spoke welsh on the school grounds. The English wanted to get rid of our language and culture - I don't mind my English friends though. :)

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