Unable to find climbing partner for Mt. Fuji during Aug. 8-13, 2013
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Unable to find climbing partner for Mt. Fuji during Aug. 8-13, 2013

by Diana

I was trying to find a climbing partner for Mt. Fuji during Aug. 8-13 and am also unable to find a tour guide. I checked your links, but the tour guide does it after I leave Japan. Any other suggestions on how to find a partner just for safety purposes?

Appreciate your help.


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Jul 26, 2013
mt. fuji from nagoya
by: Eulalia

Hey Diana,

I'm planning to climb mt. Fuji next month.
Where are you based and from where will you depart?

I'm staying in Nagoya and have found a tour which consists of a bus ride to the 5th station and back. it also includes a mountain hut.

Let me know if you are interested. eulalia13@me.com

May 27, 2013
Please read David Wallace's story
by: Gary Wolff

You're welcome, Diana.

> Just wondering if you have ever tried the Subarishi trail?
No, but you might enjoy this amazing account:

David recommends going up the Subashiri trail and down the Gotemba. And don't miss his amazing video. The electric viola background music is his own.

> It seems to have more trees and so it is more protected against the winds.
Yes, the tree line @ 2700m is the highest on any route.

> It might be less steep and longer because of the more gradual climb.
More on that here:

May 27, 2013
Thank you so much for the info
by: Diana

Your site and your replies have been so helpful. So far, I have not had much success finding a climbing partner. For safety reasons, I thought it would be better to have one even though I am training for hikes in California and will do a 6 mile round trip climb -at 10,000 ft at San Jacinto to see how I do.

I did some snow shoeing at that altitude and did fine but tried climbing Mt Baldy and got a headache so I do not know if it because I'm getting older or just the season where it's hotter and you expend more energy. I'm planning to bring Diamox for altitude sickness just in case. I did post the trip advisor post just to see if I get any replies before I succumb to paying for a tour group.

Just wondering if you have ever tried the Subarishi trail? It seems less crowded and developed and has the ash trails where people can slide down the hill. I do not know if it is trickier climbing up because of the ash too. It seems to have more trees and so it is more protected against the winds. It might be less steep and longer because of the more gradual climb.


May 27, 2013
Climbing Mt. Fuji is like a religion
by: Gary Wolff

Yes, it's a cultural thing.....like a religion. And in all due respect, if you are blessed with good weather and miss the sunrise from the top, you're blowing it big time. I climbed the peak last August (only during daytime) and saw this amazing view:

Recently I've come across a few more Mt. Fuji forums:

One reason you may be having trouble finding daytime groups is very few people hike up and down in one day. It's too difficult, unless you are an athlete. Last August it took me all day to climb up, and I was so wiped out, there was NO way I could've then climbed all the way back down. Instead I stayed overnight at a hut at the top and then caught that beautiful sunrise.

Best wishes...


May 27, 2013
Why do most tours do hiking at night to Mt Fuji?
by: Diana

I ask this question as I can not seem to find any groups that would go early in the AM and come back early evening?

Is there a weather issue where you can only see things early in the morning or is it a cultural issue where most Japanese want to see the sunrise?

I'm a morning person so I thought I would function better climbing during the day than at night.

Apr 26, 2013
Try the Hiking in Japan group @ Facebook
by: Gary Wolff

Diana, I think your best best would be to inquire @ the Hiking in Japan group @ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/9872778764/

And this forum doesn't seem very vibrant these days, but you might also try posting here: http://mountfujiguide.com/mfgforum

Good luck...


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