Wales' legend
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Wales' legend

by Yuka O.
(Saitama, Japan)

Scene from King Arthur's legend showing the magical sword

Scene from King Arthur's legend showing the magical sword

Wales is so beautiful a country. It has a lot of history, culture, and legend. Wales has areas which were placed on the World Heritage List. I was interested in the legend of this country.

Above all, Arthurian legends are likely to be famous. I didn’t know about the legends well, so I had a quick look at their history on the Internet. It seems there are a variety of rumors about this legend. In addition, there is no idea whether King Arthur existed or not.

I found this sort of stories about humans who we didn’t know whether they existed, because there is a difference in thinking. It is interesting to think about whether or not these stories may possibly have happened many years ago.

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Oct 10, 2011
Thanks for leaving a comment
by: Yuka.O

Oh, I made a mistake. I should have explained this photo. This photo shows one scene in King Arthur’s legend. The sword in it has magical powers. It is said that you never injured as long as you have this sword. How convenient this sword is!

Oct 09, 2011
King Arthur's legend
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Yuka, for your story about Wales' many legends. And I'm glad to hear you found the research interesting.

Great photo, also. But there was no caption, so I don't know what it is. :-)

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