What can I do to kill time in the hut from 6 pm till midnight?
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What can I do to kill time in the hut from 6 pm till midnight?

If I arrive at the Mt. Fuji 8th station at 6 pm and head off for the summit at midnight, there is no point sleeping because it's too early and I wouldn't be able to sleep.

What is there to keep people entertained for 6 hours? Can I sit in a restaurant for 6 hours if I order something?

Is it common that people hang around like this instead of sleeping? None of the guides ever mention not sleeping as an option.

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Jun 13, 2014
You should at least TRY to sleep. :-)
by: Gary Wolff

As a general rule, "lights out" in Japanese mountain huts usually occurs within 2 hours after dinner, which can be served as early as 5 pm.

Because of the 24-hour nature of Fuji-san though, things are a bit different, but even with all the snoring, people getting up continuously to go to the toilet, and folks coming and going at all hours, they do make some attempt to keep the sleeping areas as quiet as possible.

And if you're paying to stay there, they'll expect you to follow proper etiquette by being as quiet and respectful of others as possible and at least TRYING to get some shut eye. :-)

Best wishes...

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