What is the meaning of this Mt. Fuji sign?
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What is the meaning of this Mt. Fuji sign?

by Christina

Nihon Sangaku Renmei Shuunen Kinen sign on Mt. Fuji

Nihon Sangaku Renmei Shuunen Kinen sign on Mt. Fuji

I read through your Climbing Mt. Fuji guide page and was wondering if you had ever seen this?

I climbed the mountain a few years ago and had a picture of it, however I had a break in and they took my hard drive with all my photos on it.

The pound signs are numbers (6). Can you help me out?

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Oct 05, 2015
by: Tomo

I will keep visiting to see more articles.

May 19, 2013
Japan mountain association commemorative anniversity plaque
by: Gary Wolff

Christina, the Japanese language is not my forte, but I consulted a Japanese friend who translated the sign as follows:

創立 (souritsu) - founding
周年記念 (shuunenkinen) - memorial anniversary
日本山岳 (nihonsangaku) - Japan mountains
主催 (shusai) - organized
国 (kuni) - country
山岳連盟 (sangakurenmei) - mountain association

It seems that the plaque may be commemorating the ??th year anniversary of some unknown event, and was perhaps funded or sponsored by a mountain climbing association such as the Japan Mountaineering Association (http://www.jma-sangaku.or.jp/cominfo/) or the Japanese Alpine Club (http://www.jac.or.jp/).

As for the missing 6 numbers, I don't have a clue. Sorry I failed to solve your puzzle, but it was fun giving it a shot nonetheless... :-)

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