When are the 2019 closing dates for mountain huts in the Southern Japan Alps?
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When are the 2019 closing dates for mountain huts in the Southern Japan Alps?

by Gregory

Hi Gary, love your site!

I'm attempting to hike the 3,000m + peaks (excluding Fujisan). 10 down and 10 to go.

I plan to hike the 8 southern alps in September but I need to know when some of the huts close.

Can you advise what website will give me the closing dates or do I have to phone?


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Jul 29, 2019
I think you need to contact each hut individually.
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Gregory.

I’m not familiar with any one single webpage that shows all of the Minami Alps mountain hut closing dates (although I think that would be a good idea), but these 2 sites list the individual webpages for what seems like most of the huts in the Minami Alps:


I don’t know how current that information is and they’re both in Japanese, but Google Translate does a fairly good job of getting it into English for you.

You might also try posting your inquiry in Facebook’s Hiking in Japan group. The folks there are very helpful: https://www.facebook.com/groups/9872778764/

Best wishes with the other 10 3-thousanders and thanks for visiting my site. When you finish your journeys, feel free to share your stories w/ pics on my site for the benefit of future climbers...


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