When can I start booking Mt. Fuji mountain huts?
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When can I start booking Mt. Fuji mountain huts?

by Henry

Hey Gary,

Thank you for a brilliant webpage with a lot of great information. ​​I'm travelling to Japan for the 3rd time this July and am hoping to climb Fuji for the first time on that trip.

I'm looking at booking a mountain hut on my stay, having looked at your list of huts, it seems like I can only book once the season begins? Is this correct?

I have been told that I need to book in advance, but seeing as I'm travelling in mid-July, it seems like that won't be very far in advance.


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May 07, 2018
From April
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Henry.

It’s my understanding that most Mt. Fuji mountain huts start accepting reservations from April. If there are no provisions on their websites offering online reservations, you might try the office (off-season) phone numbers to contact the huts.
If you speak slowly and use easy English, hopefully there won't be any major communication issues.

Basically, they will just ask for:
• Your date(s) of stay
• Your name (or group leader name) (please spell it out slowly)
• # of males & females in your group
• Whether or not you want meals (dinner and/or breakfast)

Best wishes and happy trails…


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