When do they start accepting reservations for the Mt. Fuji Fujinomiya trail mountain huts?
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When do they start accepting reservations for the Mt. Fuji Fujinomiya trail mountain huts?

by Steven


Thanks for the info on Mt. Fuji. It's very useful.

I was wondering about the Fujinomiya trail. Do you know when they start accepting reservations, and if they are usually phone only?

The only resource I could find about it was this: http://www.fuji-tozan.com/04_lodge.html#yamamuroichiran


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Jan 22, 2024
April, I think.
by: Gary Wolff

Steve, if you click on the little green reservation button to the right of each mountain hut's name, that'll take you to their website, and you should be able to make reservations there (usually a calendar will be displayed to choose your date) starting perhaps as early as April, but based on how quickly huts filled up last year, I wouldn’t wait any later than the end of May.

Also, as you are probably already aware, the Fujinomiya route doesn’t open up above the 6th station until July 10.

Finally, in case you haven’t already run across it yet, you might benefit from the write-up of my August 2012 climb up the Fujinomiya route: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site…


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