Which is your favorite Mt. Fuji route?
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Which is your favorite Mt. Fuji route?

by Charlie
(Abu Dhabi)

Gary, great website!

Which is your favorite Mt. Fuji route? I'm looking to go on 30th or 31st July which is a weekday with my two fit boys aged 13 and 10. Ideally want to do a day walk starting early morning at 6 or 7 am. Tossing up whether to stay in Yamanakako or Kawaguchiko or even Fujiyoshida.

Will be using public transport and rail to get there, but apparently the buses don't start in the area until late (8:30 am). Do you have any advice or idea on a taxi to 5th station, as if it's a 9:30 start it will be hot by the time we get into the meat of the hike.


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Jun 25, 2015
the Fujinomiya route
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Charlie.

My favorite Mt. Fuji route is the Fujinomiya route which I did 3 yrs. ago. More details here: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail

Last year, you could catch a bus from Kawaguchiko Station, arriving @ the 5th Station @ 7:30 am: http://www.japan-guide.com/bus/fuji_season.html (2015 schedules haven't been posted yet)

If you need an earlier start, I've heard that taxis from Fujiyoshida up to the 5th Station run about ¥12,000.

Have a nice hike...

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